a lex
Joined on 2012-01-18 22:33:29
Threads Created
el Cheapo V70 T5 newbie.
A lex's Dutch/English V70 T5
Gear-tronic DIY fluid change.
Success with an ELM cable and ProScan.
Suspension 'ping/clonk' NOT ARB links.
Before a re-map, what to check?
Recommended indy/delaer in the NW?
T5 gone. D5 purchased!
>05 D5 plastic fuel filter housing.
D5 - changing engine mount affects turbo response.....?
D5 engine: Should there be a plug in this hole?
The Polestar Housebrick
VolvoTech.eu CANBUS extender review
What else do you drive apart from your Volvo?
Cant post a For Sale Thread
V70R Brembo slider pins...
D5 185 Polestar peak boost pressure? and euro4 turbo actuator?