Joined on 2012-02-02 08:12:00
Threads Created
New Volvo owner...
parking bulb failure
just bagged a set of Nebulas.
interesting bit of kit..???
love my T5!!!
S60 rear light clusters
Ipd tcv
facelift headlight clusters..???
injector colours.....??
Noooo........ ETM failure!!
ELM327 bluetooth reader
Sponges at the ready!!!
engine code translation
took my boy to work .....
16t actuator adjustment
Oil level rising up dipstick..???
throttle tuner...????
brake disc mayhem!!
cheap ebay MAF
T5 idle issues solved!!
P2 s60 t5 bosch maf
Pipercross panel filter P2 S60
slight gearbox leak discovered..??
T-Cut tastic!!!
i think my wastegate is letting by..???