Joined on 2012-07-23 09:42:22
Threads Created
850 t5 decat
850 piggy back anti roll bar
replacing hard brakelines
tyres for an 850 t5
rip kit
850 brake upgrade
wanted 15 inch wheels 5 X 108 for 850
850 gearbox oil change
850 vac lines
rear seat belts
warning light
handling mods for 850 t5
850 ecu change
need help with forum
whats your car called. ............
850 downpipe
lowering springs for an 850 t5
850 fitted with a 16t turbo
heat wrapped down pipe
850 t5 downpipe.
rip kit
850 fuel pressure regulator
new look for my car
850 t5 turbo heat sheild
lack of boost after fitting exhaust
strange fault with the car.
cleaning thw inside of the engine bay.
850 t5 handling and suspension
service light on 850
can I borrow an ecu
just got it mappped.........
850 rear suspension
lambda sensor has failed
what's going on with this.
need clutch advise
lightened flywheel
shes gone...........
clutch master cylinder
leaking from the expansion tank cap
has my head gasket failed
fitting amp wiring
drive shaft or cv joint
spark plugs
drive shaft
testing actuator and dump valve
brake servo......
850 steering issue
whats it worth.......
cracked windscreen
car fixed itself
Clutch Slave cylinder question