Joined on 2012-07-29 01:47:00
Threads Created
Hello from South Wales
perfomance help
coolant pipe info
totally faffed off with my c70
Induction kit query
Modding my C70 but advise needed please: read within
Alloy wheel dilemma
Boost Gauge options and opinions
Black c70 grill
A Little Xmas Treat For my Saffy
Lowering a c70
I Think I Have Found The Sexiest Wheels EVER
Rear quarter windows c70
Not so sure on this one
Steering wheel woes
Upside to my Job
Did I Miss Something
Your thoughts please
Pontif Candidates
A Good Wash Makes the World of a Difference
Prob a silly question
Wise or just Plain Stupid
Why when i'm home ill
Is it just me
Postman makes me smile today
Degrease and Clean 18t Unit
Busy day picking up Volvos
Really, i mean Really
C70 Idle and Stall Issue
The Idiots That Keep Me In a Job
New Run Around
Yet Again the C70 has me Pulling Hair Out
Mike Brewer: ยงยงยงยง or Clever
Starting to get worried with 227 miles to go
Brake Hose kit
A Tad Over Priced in Bristol
Please Tell Me I'm Not The Only One
Last Night
Any use for anyone ?
The Ginge
Abs playing up again
Sweet jebus about time
time away and bloody mot
Poxy Abs
Gonna be a long hard slog from here on in
One for the saffy and ex saffy owners
P1 Volvo amplified car help
Please tell me this is wrong and there's a fix
"that ant no volvo blad!!!!!"
The Never Ending C70 Issues
Possible South Wales meet ?
I think I could be crazy
Crazy to sad
finding out new things
Alarm setting off
driveshaft query
Gearbox and oils help please
v70 seatbelt issue
Top Gear Dream Team
The Turk
Something yummie at Local Stealer
Battery query
Well was a Decent Test Drive
Obdi readers
gay gold clean
Not used to this
Alcantara seats
V70 saffy
Clear headlights
Project Projector
Auto gearbox ??????
Loss of battery charge
850 speakers query
Interior lighting