Joined on 2012-10-02 18:07:53
Threads Created
evening all.....................
What is good??
Well, just taken her in.......
I need a lie down..............
Strut Brace
My new car.....
Brake caliper painting advice
Replacement LED stop lights and Indicators
MPG down the toilet
Engine system service required
DICE/VIDA??? or a cheapy?
Nebulas need a refurb
How much spent on your beloved....?
What gearbox.....?
MAF fault codes
How many times.....?
Going for map, anything else.....?
The Sweeney
Winter Tyres?
Rolling road
Aux Input Kit
Aux Input Kit
ViDA on IE 10
Mega MPG
BBS Spline tool
Wheely bad news...........
C70 convertible
V70 hub bolts
Boost pipes
Confused about wishbone bush......
Locking wheel nut disaster..............
Wife's new Vovlo!!!
Exhaust back box
Low reading for MAF
4 wheel laser alignment
What's this then......?
Handbrake woes.
Air con smells of P15S
Price of oil!!!
Been for a dyno run...............
How to turn light off?
Who's got a 3D telly?
DIY boost leak test
Air compressor question
Just had my wallet lightened!!!!
Warrantys worth paper they are written on?
Handbrake shoe rattle
Been for a smoke test.............oh dear
Oh Bugg3r
Humming noise........wheel bearing on way out?
What size tyres?????????????
Steering wheel judder when twizzling
Capacitor question...............
C70 Headlamps
Volvo sent wrong discs
Best way to flush PAS fluid?
Reluctor ring
Can't wait that long!!!!