Joined on 2012-11-04 20:28:00
Threads Created
New to the Volvo world.
V70R Not such a pensioner mobile?!
o2 sensor/lambda sensor
V70 R braking problem
Compomotive wheels
V70 squeeling noise
Electric window problems
Intake cleaning
Name that part?
V70 phase 1 R vs S60
Ex police cars
Volvo technology at its best?
AFR gauges
Steering wheel boss
Cargo net, V70 estate.
Need one of these in my life....
Volvo UTE?
535bhp Volvo 850
Boost gauge fitting/vacuum tree.
Tailgate "open light" coming on when front doors are open....
RIP kit dump valve fitment
Boost gauge install
Ultimate car sound thread....
One lucky Evo driver....
RIP kit
What would you do?
Rear trim fix kit
Dual to Single mass flywheel
Ferrari Enzo gymkhana
V70R after a 3hour clean
Fog light air duct
Problem with a quote.
Name the bolt size....
guilty pleasure?
New wheel opinions
Viva performance brace group buy?
Rear main seal
Auto to Maunal conversion
Spigot rings
Boost problem
3" custom exhaust
What's your mileage and what's your problems?
ABS fault and fuel consumption
Any Lexus GS300 experience?
Frankies old S70
Sc-901 lost code